There are moments in life when you discover your true passion, where things take shape and enthusiasm meets destiny. My path to becoming a Wedding Planner in Bordeaux, in the heart of the beautiful Gironde region, was marked by a series of unexpected discoveries and exciting challenges.
I embarked on a master's degree in event management without really knowing what type of event I wanted to work on. I wandered along the paths of tech, art and even nightlife, searching for my preferred field. Then fate, in the form of the most precious of events, knocked on my door: my mother's impending wedding.
The beginning of 2023 marked the start of my dive into the world of Wedding Planning in Bordeaux. My mother announced her wedding, setting the date nine months later. Nine months filled with discoveries, apprehensions, but above all passion and enthusiasm. It was the beginning of my immersion in the world of Wedding Planning, a world where every detail counts, where emotion and planning meet.
This first wedding was a laboratory of feelings. Fears punctuated the journey, particularly those linked to the vagaries of the weather (rainy weddings, happy weddings, they say!), fears buried beneath mountains of enthusiasm. In the end, the long-awaited day unfolded perfectly, sealing in my heart a burgeoning passion for this exhilarating art form.
October 2023 marked a major turning point. Returning from a humanitarian trip to Ghana, I found myself faced with a new challenge: the wedding of a friend and colleague, Aurore. It was my first wedding outside the family circle, and an enriching experience in the Gironde wedding scene.
Overcoming this obstacle was a personal victory, confirming my love for this fascinating profession.
So I made a fundamental decision: to make 2024 the year of my launch. A year in which I will share, create and realize the dreams of future brides and grooms, drawing on my experience and passion for weddings in Bordeaux and throughout the Gironde.
This journey, marked by timid beginnings but filled with enriching discoveries, has enabled me to find my vocation. Each wedding was a chapter in the story of my growing passion for this captivating world. And now I'm ready to write the next chapter, with determination, passion and creativity.